2 List of Abbreviations

  • BWD Beweging Weigering Defensiebelasting (Dutch Peace Tax Movement)
  • CDA Christen Democratisch Appèl (Dutch Christian Democrat Party)
  • CDU/CSU Christlich Demokratische Union / Christlich Soziale Union (The German resp. the Bavarian Christian Democrats)
  • CiO Commissie inzake Overheidsaangelegenheden (In the Netherlands a committee consisting of representatives of churches with regard to government affairs, such as the relation between state and church)
  • FDP Freie Demokratische Partei
  • GPV Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond (Reformed Political Alliance, a small orthodox calvinist party)
  • IKV Inter-kerkelijk Vredesberaad (the Interchurch Peace Consultation, the moderate religious peace movement in the Netherlands)
  • MOD Minister of Defence
  • MP Member of Parliament
  • NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  • PvdA Partij van de Arbeid (Dutch Labour Party, Social Democrat Party)
  • PDS Partei Deutscher Sozialisten (German social democrat party, most supporters in the eastern part of Germany)
  • SGP Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (Political Reformed Party, an orthodox calvinist party)
  • SPD Sozial-demokratische Partei Deutschlands (German social democrat party)
  • VVD Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie